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WiDS Modesto

Join Us

Are you interested in data science? Do you want to connect with a supportive community of women in the field? Then join us for the exciting launch of the Women in Data Science (WiDS) chapter in Modesto!

​This kick-off event is all about introducing you to the global WiDS initiative and our vision for bringing this empowering program to our local community.

​Here’s what you can expect:

​Learn about the mission of WiDS and how it supports women in data science around the world.

​Discover what we envision for WiDS Modesto and how it can benefit you.

​Find out how you can get involved and contribute to our local chapter.

​Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist or just starting your journey, this event is a great opportunity to:

​Network with like-minded individuals.

​Explore opportunities for professional development and collaboration.

​Become part of a supportive network that champions women in data science.

​Don’t miss this chance to be a part of something special!

Event Ambassadors