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September 8, 2022

Exploratory data analysis using personal data from Strava and Apple Watch | Deepnote

About This Video

During the workshop, we show a simple exploratory data analysis using Deepnote. We will focus on personal data from Camino de Santiago pilgrimage which we retrieved from our Strava API and show you how to get it from your own device. Using this data we explain a theory about Exploratory Data Analysis and show some use cases.

This workshop was conducted by Tereza Vaňková and Alleanna Clark of Deepnote.

Resources used in this workshop:

In This Video
Software Engineer, Deepnote

Tereza is software engineer at Deepnote, focusing on frontend (mostly) React development. She also founded and organised the educational community ReactGirls, where she helps women learn to code with React along with other developers helping women to learn coding with React.

Data Science & Community, Deepnote

Alleanna is a community advocate at Deepnote. Having had previous experience in data science education at UC Berkeley, she works to lower the barrier to entry into tech and research through collaboration and creating learning materials.